When it comes to some of the more exotic food experiences the world has to offer, Thailand is one country that delivers! From the more traditional – spring rolls, satay skewers, noodle and curry dishes – to the more daring – fried chicken feet, grilled worms, fried grasshoppers – the options are endless.


Thai spring rolls at a food stall at the floating market


Selection of cooked grasshoppers and worms from a street stall

On my recent visit to Thailand, I got the great opportunity to go on a food tour with a local guide. This particular tour came with a twist – it was water based! Waterways form a HUGE part of traditional Thai day-to-day life. They connect villages and are part of the local’s livelihood. The floating markets are also a tourist paradise filled with coconut juices, street foods and tons of shopping.

Floating Market

Locals shopping for food and vegetables at the floating market


More views around the floating market

We started the tour with a Thai omelette on the deck of one of the boats, it was stuffed with bean sprouts, sweet radish, dried shrimp, with sprinklings of coconut, tofu, sugar and peanuts. As you can imagine from the list of ingredients it was a big explosion of flavours. I personally would have preferred a thicker layer of egg to temper the strong flavours, but overall the dish was surprising and very tasty!


Thai Omelette freshly made on a boat

After this satisfying start, the day only got better. We went on to taste 17 different local dishes from savoury to sweet and everything in between. The mackerel on a bed of rice stood out the most. The woman who made these at her stall is so famous that there were lines of people just waiting for her to start serving.   For dessert we feasted on Thai pancakes, sweet dumplings, and fruits such as the dragon fruit which has a taste that combines mango and peach. Our tour ended with a big dinner filled with loads of seafood like the famous tom yum soup, scallops, and stuffed Thai grilled sea bass with some fried rice and noodles.

Thai Mackarel Dish

Mackarel rice dish

Thaisea bass

Thai stuffed grilled Sea Bass

thai pancakes

Thai pancakes made from white and purple rice flour

Thai SeaFood

Fresh squid being grilled Thai style

Tom Yum Soup Thailand

Tom Yum soup is a must for seafood lovers

We also got to do some sightseeing by visiting a temple where locals were offering prayers, as well as walk through the famous train market. When the sound of the horn comes, all the stalls and food on the track are miraculously moved away in seconds, once the train passes, they are all put back within seconds like nothing even happened. The best part of the tour, was the fact that each and every dish was sourced from the area and skilfully created by the locals.

Thai Train Market

Shopping at the train market in Thailand


Beautiful Buddhist temple

If one is ever confused about what to eat in Thailand, this authentic culinary experience leaves no room to miss out on anything.




Contibuter: Mary Freij